The Fighting Angel

The Fighting Angel: Jaclyn Smith is a Breast Cancer Survivor

There are 2.4 million women who have survived breast cancer in the United States. Actress Jaclyn Smith, famous for her role in the 1970s TV series Charlie’s Angels, is one of them.

Smith was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer in 2002, at age 55. During her annual mammogram, the doctors told her they saw something suspicious but didn’t think it was serious. That all changed when the biopsy report came back positive for breast cancer.

When she first heard the news, Smith said she was in a state of panic. “You don’t really hear what they’re saying,” she said. “It was surreal.”

Because the breast cancer was detected early, Smith’s doctor said she had a 98 percent chance of beating the disease. She had a lumpectomy performed (removal of the tumor as well as some surrounding tissue) and then underwent radiation treatments.

Today, Jaclyn Smith has been cancer-free for eight years. As living proof of the importance of early detection in winning the battle against breast cancer, Smith has donated her time to participate in a program called Strength in Knowing, dedicated to helping women understand the risk Are you experiencing pain in your knees, hips or shoulders? Are you having difficulty walking? Is it painful to climb a set of steps or take a bath? If so, you probably need to ask your physician if you are a candidate for joint replacement surgery.

A joint is the part of your body where two bones come together, connected by cartilage. Over time, joints can wear out, or be severely damaged by arthritis. The resulting pain, swelling, and stiffness can cause a lack of mobility and a decline in a person’s quality of life.

Every year, more than 400,000 Americans have joint replacement surgery. This is a surgical procedure in which a knee, hip or shoulder is replaced with a prosthetic joint, made of plastic, metal or a composite of those two materials.

Many people are understandably anxious about having joint replacement surgery. But remember this: the overwhelming majority of people enjoy greater mobility and live more active lives within a few weeks after their joint replacement surgery.factors of breast cancer and the importance of clinical breast exams. “It’s important to me as a woman to know about breast cancer risk factors and share that knowledge with other women,” said Jaclyn Smith in an interview with Women’s Day magazine.

Words: 409.

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