Digital Mammography

Focus on Technology: Digital Mammography

Early detection is critical in the fight against breast cancer. When diagnosed at a localized stage, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer is 98 percent. But if the disease has spread to distant organs or the lymph nodes before being detected, the five-year survival rate falls dramatically to only 27 percent. That’s the reason our hospital is proud to offer digital mammography. This state-of-the-art system delivers highly detailed images for a more accurate diagnosis that can literally save your life. In fact, according to The American College of Radiology, digital mammography detects up to 28% more cancers in women 50 and younger and in “difficult-to-image” categories compared to traditional mammography techniques.

Digital mammography offers many benefits when compared to traditional X- ray mammography. In terms of speed, digital mammography is much faster. A typical exam usually takes only 15 minutes, half as much as a conventional exam. Physicians are able to retrieve and transmit the digital images electronically which allow faster access, a quicker diagnosis and greater convenience for the patient. Since digital mammography delivers high quality images with greater detail, a radiologist can usually make a diagnosis after the first exam. As a result, it’s much less likely that a patient will need to return for a second screening. In addition, a digital mammography exam is more comfortable for that patient and uses less radiation than a traditional exam..

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