Monthly Archives

October 2012

The Benefits of Occupational Therapy

Living The Best Possible Life

Occupational Therapy Delivers Life-Changing Benefits

When you hear the term “occupational therapy,” what do you think? Many people assume that this medical specialty teaches people the skills they need to go back to work after an accident or illness. That is one of the benefits of occupational therapy, but there are so many more.

Occupational therapy is…

Poison Prevention

Poison Prevention

An estimated 2 million cases of poisoning are reported every year. The majority of these cases involve children, six years old and younger. And where do 90 percent of these poisonings occur? You guessed it: the home.

Poison Prevention Week is March 14 – 20. Here are a few steps you can take to make sure your home is safe and your children don’t become a…

Play It Safe Baby

Play It Safe, Baby


Whether you’re a new parent or an experienced doting grandparent, here are just some of the key steps you can take to make your home a safer environment for infants and toddlers.

Play it safe, Baby

Car Seats

The most common problem with a child car seat is that it’s not properly installed. In fact, according the National Highway…

Lock Your Medications

Lock Your Medications

Simple Steps Can Prevent Accidents and Abuse

The abuse of prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications is on the rise among children and teenagers. Every day, more than 2,500 teenagers abuse a prescription drug for the first time. And seven of the top 10 abused substances by teenagers are pharmaceutical drugs.

If you think most kids get these drugs on t…

Halloween Safety


October 31 is one of the most anticipated days of the year for a child. But with all the excitement of Halloween, it’s very easy for children to forget to be safe. Here are some helpful tips to keep your children safe this Halloween.

•BE SEEN: Walking on streets in the dark can be dangerous for a child. Make sure your children wear costumes that are bright and…

Flu Vaccinations

Flu Vaccinations

Copy Last April, the H1N1 flu virus (originally called the swine flu) caused great concern worldwide. Reports of illness from the H1N1 virus continued in the U.S. through the summer, normally a flu-free season. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is concerned that the H1N1 virus, combined with the regular (or seasonal) flu, could cause a severe flu season this winter.


Fireworks Safety

Fireworks Safety

The 4th of July is a time for picnics, parades, fireworks and – unfortunately – accidents. Every year, Americans set off more than 265 million pounds of fireworks, causing an estimated 10,000 injuries, from mild burns to severe trauma. Almost half of these victims are children under the age of 15. That’s the reason there should always be adult supervision when fireworks…

Bike Safety For Kids

Summer Safety

School is almost out; summer is almost here. The days are getting longer, and people are spending more and more time outside. But don’t be deceived. The carefree days of summer have their share of dangers. Here’s some information to help make this summer a safe one.

Bike Safety For Kids

Kids love the sense of independence that comes with riding a bike. But with this…

Avoiding Sunburn

Just about everybody has experienced the red, painful skin that is the tell-tale sign of sunburn. Caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet radiation, usually from the sun’s rays, sunburn is more than just an uncomfortable condition. Extreme sunburn can be life-threatening. Sunburn is also known to cause premature aging of the skin and increase the risk for skin cancer. The best way to avoid…

An Aspirin A Day

An Aspirin a Day (8-page version)

Recent studies have shown that taking an aspirin a day can lower the likelihood of breast cancer. More specifically, scientists believe taking aspirin reduces the types of cancer caused by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which account for 60 – 70 percent of breast cancer cases. Initial studies indicate that the risk for this type of breast cancer is…

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