Monthly Archives

October 2012

Cancer Screening

Cancer Screening

Cancer can be a deadly disease, especially if it’s not caught early. Fortunately, recent advances in medical research and technology have made it possible to detect cancers at a very early stage. Here’s Dr. Firstname M. Lastname, an Internist with Medical Center/Hospital, to tell us more.

What is cancer?

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body.

Cancer Update

Cancer Update

New developments are occurring every day in the fight against cancer. Here are three recent news items that may be helpful the next time you see your doctor.

Prostate Cancer: There is growing controversy regarding the use of a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood test in men over 50. For years the PSA screening was a standard way to check for prostate cancer. There is now…

Cancer Control Month

Cancer Rates Decline But Disease Is Still Too Common

April is Cancer Control Month, a good time to highlight the many recent advances that have occurred in the fight against cancer.

Here’s the good news: cancer rates and deaths have declined for the past two decades. There are several reasons for this decline. Cancer screenings, such as mammograms, have become more effective in detecting…

Breast Cancer By The Numbers


Information is an important tool in the fight against breast cancer. Here are some revealing numbers that will help you better understand the disease.

Breast Cancer Is Much More Common Than 50 Years Ago

As an American woman, your chance of having breast cancer during your lifetime is one in eight. In 1960, the rate was one in every 20 women.


Are You At Risk for Breast Cancer?

Are You At Risk?

It’s important for every woman to know the factors that increase the likelihood of breast cancer. Here are some of the key risk factors: Getting Older: About 2/3 of invasive breast cancers are found in women ages 55 and older. Family History: If a close relative (mother, sister, daughter) has had breast cancer, your risk increases. Still, the majority of cases are in women…

Are You at Risk for Cancer?

Are You at Risk for Cancer?

Testicular cancer, the kind Scott Hamilton defeated, is relatively rare, and only in men. About 8,500 cases of the disease will be diagnosed in the United States this year. Unfortunately, the lifetime risk of developing any form of cancer is much, much higher. The statistics are sobering: According to the American Cancer Society, approximately one in every two men…

Are You At Risk

Are You At Risk?

Cancer does not discriminate because of age, income, gender or race. One in every two men and one in every three women will get cancer in their lifetime. Certain factors increase your risk of cancer, sometimes significantly. The use of tobacco products increases the likelihood of lung cancer. There is a strong link between excessive sun exposure and sunburn with skin cancer.

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