Breast Cancer: The Alarming Numbers (4-page version)

Breast Cancer: The Alarming Numbers (4-page version)

Why should every woman, especially those over the age of 40, be concerned about breast cancer?

Just consider these alarming statistics:

As an American woman, your chance of having breast cancer during your lifetime is one in eight. In 1960, the rate was one in every 20 women.

Breast cancer accounts for one out of every three cancers diagnosed in American women.

• Every three minutes, an American woman is diagnosed with breast cancer.
• In 2008, more than 40,000 women will die from breast cancer in the United States.

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among white and African American women.

But there is good news! Thanks to earlier detection, increased awareness and more effective treatments, death rates for breast cancer have been decreasing steadily since 1990. Early detection is themost effective way to protect against breast cancer. That’s the reason we encourage you to read Breast Cancer: The Four Key Steps for Early Detection on page 2 of this newsletter. Most importantly, be sure to schedule an annual screening mammogram if you are over 40 or have a high risk for breast cancer. There’s simply too much at stake – for you, and your family.


Word count = 203 total words



















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