All the Ways We Care: Taking Care of Your Golden Years with Comprehensive Medical Services (8 pg)

It’s just a fact of life. As we grow older, we’re more likely to have health problems. Take heart disease, for example: 83 percent of heart attacks occur after age 65. The risk of cancer also increases with age: 80 percent of cancers are diagnosed after age 55.
Facing these new health challenges requires access to a comprehensive range of medical services, technology and expertise. At Main Street Hospital, we provide seniors with all the resources to assess, diagnose, treat and recover from disease and injury so they can make the most of their golden years. Here’s a brief overview of some of the services we provide.

As you grow older, it becomes more and more important to see your primary care physician (PCP) on a regular basis. By scheduling an annual physical exam, your doctor can detect unhealthy trends, such as weight gain or higher blood pressure, and begin treating these conditions at an early stage before they become serious. Your PCP is also familiar with your medical history. That knowledge can help you make informed decisions about the following medical screenings:

  • Colorectal Cancer Exam: Talk to your personal physician about which of these options is best, starting at age 50:
    • Fecal Occult Blood Test (once a year)
    • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy (every two years)
    • Colonoscopy (every 10 years)
  • Prostate Cancer Exam (for men): You should talk to your physician to determine if having a prostate exam and a PSA blood test is right for you.
  • Mammogram (for women): Starting at age 40, this yearly exam is recommended for all women in good health.

After completing your physical exam, your physician may believe further tests are required. Main Street Hospital has the expertise and the technology to detect and diagnose heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and other medical conditions.

Heart Disease
Our diagnostic equipment used to detect heart disease includes Chest X-ray, Stress Test, Electrocardiogram (ECG), Echocardiogram, Cardiac CT Scan, Cardiac MRI, Holter Monitoring and Angiogram.


We provide a full range of diagnostic tools used to detect cancer, including ultrasound, MRI, CT Scan and X-ray. We also routinely perform biopsies if an imaging test cannot make a definitive diagnosis.

A bone density test is the only way to diagnose osteoporosis before a broken bone occurs. In less than 10 minutes, this safe, painless, non-invasive procedure uses a low dose of X-ray radiation (about 1/10 of the amount used for a chest X-ray) to measure the quantity and quality of the material inside your bones.


  • For Heart Disease
  • Interventional Catheterization: This procedure is often used to close an opening in the wall between the upper chambers of the heart or to open up a blocked valve or vessel. A long, narrow tube is inserted into a vessel and then guided to the heart with the aid of an X-ray machine.
    Angioplasty: A small balloon is inserted into the artery with a catheter, then inflated to open up the coronary artery.

  • For Cancer
  • Our cancer-fighting services include:
    Surgery: The foundation of cancer treatment, usually followed by radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy.
    Radiation Therapy: Uses high-energy waves, such as X-rays, to target a specific area of the body to damage or destroy cancer cells.
    Chemotherapy: More than 100 different chemotherapy drugs are used today to damage and destroy cancer cells throughout the body.

  • Swing Bed
  • For patients who need more time to recover from surgery, illness or injury, our Swing Bed program provides easy access to nursing care and physical, occupational and speech therapies—all in the convenience of your original hospital room.

  • Behavioral Health
  • We offer specialized and compassionate care for seniors who are struggling with depression, anxiety and other mental health issues.

  • Joint Replacement Surgery
  • Suffering from joint pain, often caused by arthritis? Our Joint Replacement Program restores function and mobility for your knee, hip and other joints so you can return to enjoying a normal lifestyle.


  • Cardiac Rehab
  • People who participate in a cardiac rehab program after a heart attack have a 50 percent greater survival rate after three years compared to people who don’t. Our team of cardiologists, nurses, dieticians and physical therapists provide ongoing support, education and counseling to promote a faster recovery and a healthier lifestyle.

  • Physical Therapy
  • If your physical abilities have been limited by injury, accident, disease, aging or surgery, physical therapy is often the first course of treatment recommended by physicians. Our physical therapists have expertise in a variety of non-invasive techniques to reduce pain, increase strength and flexibility, and improve your range of motion. The most common ailments treated by physical therapy are arthritis, back and neck pain, sports injuries and repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel.

  • Cancer Support
  • Having cancer is a stressful experience in a person’s life. Our support groups provide a safe place where people facing the emotional challenges of fighting cancer can find support and guidance.

Sources: American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, webmd

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