Live It Out (8pg)

One in three women will have cancer during their lifetimes. Regular screenings can help detect cancer before symptoms occur. In addition to the following screening recommendations, talk to your doctor about your risk for cancer and the possible need for additional tests.

Clinical breast exam as part of a regular checkup at least every three years.
Pap test every three years starting at age 21.

Clinical breast exam  as part of a regular checkup at least every three years.
Pap test plus an HPV test every five years, or Pap test every three years.

Clinical breast exam as part of a regular check-up every year. Annual mammogram starting at age 40.
Pap test plus an HPV test every five years.

Pap test plus an HPV test every five years, or Pap test every three years, until age 65 if you’ve had normal results. Women with a history of serious cervical pre-cancer should continue testing for 20 years after the diagnosis.

AGE 50
Talk to your doctor about testing options if you have an average risk for colon cancer. (Sooner if you have a high risk.)

AGE 55
Start talking to your doctor about your smoking history and the possibility of a CT scan to check for lung cancer.

Source: American Cancer Society

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